(EN) Dear Cat Lover,

Greetings from the heart of Transylvania, in Cluj-Napoca! We appreciate your visit and the time spent to learn more about us!

Napocats has started back in 2010, when Fluffy Joke Yoda-San came into our family. We wanted an Exotic Shorthair cat and had chosen one with pedigree, breeding and show rights. We knew nothing at that moment about pedigree cats, cat exhibitions, and many more related to cats, which we were to find out along the way.

In the spring of 2013, we've decided to take part in our first expo. In the fall exhibition of 2013 we've been joined by our first Exotic Shorthair girl, Mechta Irish Cream, aged 5 months, a very loving and playful soul.

Our first litter was born on the Easter night of 2015, and for us the birth of Litter A was a miracle and an unexpected joy.
We invite you to take part in the Napocats story, which is unfolding on the Facebook page with the same name (see our social media links at the bottom of our pages).

Our kittens live happily in their Forever Loving Homes in Romania, Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Republic of Moldova, and the UK.

Our best wishes!

(RO) Draga iubitorule de feline,

Salutari din Cluj-Napoca! Iti multumim pentru vizita!

Napocats a pornit la drum in 2010, cand Fluffy Joke Yoda-San a intrat in familia Napocats. Ne doream o pisica Exotic Shorthair si am ales una cu pedigree si drepturi de expozitie si reproductie. In acel moment nu stiam nimic despre pisici de rasa cu pedigree, expozitii, si multe altele referitoare la feline - urma sa aflam.

Trei ani au trecut pana cand din inima Ardealului am decis sa ne prezentam in primavara 2013 la prima noastra expozitie. In expozitia din toamna lui 2013 ni s-a alaturat Mechta Irish Cream, o fetita care avea 5 luni si era un pui extrem de jucaus, torcacios si iubitor.

Primii pui au venit pe lume in noaptea de Pasti 2015, cand ne pregateam pentru a participa la Slujba de Inviere. Pentru noi, nasterea Cuibului A a fost o minune si o bucurie nespusa.

Te invitam sa iei parte la povestea Napocats, care este in desfasurare pe pagina de Facebook cu acelasi nume (vezi link-urile spre paginile noastre de social media in partea de jos a paginilor). Ne bucuram sa ne fii alaturi si sa impartasim cu tine fericirea pe care o traim zi de zi alaturi de pisicile noastre, succesele lor in competitiile expozitionale, dar mai ales clipele de bucurie care puii nostri le aduc familiilor care i-au primit cu bratele deschise in casele lor.

Puii nostri traiesc fericiti in casele lor iubitoare din Romania, Austria, Germania, Franta, Irlanda, Republica Moldova si Anglia.

Cu drag!

(RO) Dupa un articol al Asociatiei Crescatorilor de Feline CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association):

"Exoticele sunt crescute pentru a intruni standardul Persanelor din toate punctele de vedere cu exceptia unui singur element: blana este scurta, densa, plusata. Blana Exoticelor este unica rasei si le da un aspect de ursulet moale, rotund. Blana lor admirabila necesita mult mai putina periere decat a Persanelor, in plus nu se va incalci si nu va face noduri. Datorita acestui aspect, Exoticele sunt deseori denumite Persana omului lenes.

Exoticele sunt linistite si afectuoase, vocile lor fiind rar auzite.
O Exota este o pisica linistita, dulce, calma si un companion loial. Sunt pisici lenese care nu se agita din nimic. In general, sunt extrem de iubitoare, cer atentie stand in fata ta si aruncandu-ti o privire irezistibila, focusandu-se pe ochii tai. Vor sari in brate si se vor incolaci pentru un pui de somn, sau isi vor impinge si freca nasul direct in fata ta. Unora le place sa iti stea pe umar si sa te imbratiseze cand le mangai. Vor dormi sau nu langa tine intrucat prefera suprafetele mai reci precum zonele placate cu gresie. Este comfortabil sa ai un Exotic in casa – iti vor oferi intimidate si nu vor cere atentie in mod constant. Sunt la fel de jucause precum alte rase si vor sari pana la epuizare incercand sa prinda o jucarie sau un bat cu pene, sau vor sta linistite si vor analiza cum pot sa dea jos o jucarie de pe o etajera.

Exoticele adulte se bucura de mici placeri precum privitul apei care picura din robinet sau alergatul dupa mingi de hartie prin casa (atentie la mingi de plastic si nuci – fac un zgomot infernal si pisicile s-ar putea juca cu ele toata noaptea).
Natura lor indolenta le permite sa se integreze in casa voastra la orice varsta. Exoticele raman jucause ca si adulti si aduc bucurie pentru multi ani. Luand totul in considerare, Exoticele reprezinta o minunata completare oricarei familii. Adorabile la privire, pasnice si curate – ce ai putea sa ceri mai mult de la animalul de companie perfect!? Exoticele sunt “the best of two worlds”.

Crescatorii ofera puii dupa 12 saptamani de viata. La 12 saptamani, puii au primit deja vaccinurile si au dezvoltat stabilitatea fizica si sociala necesara pentru un nou mediu de viata. Pastrarea in interior a unei comori cum este pisica Exotica, sterilizarea ei si asigurarea de suprafete/stalpi pentru zgariat pentru a le satisface instinctul, sunt elemente esentiale pentru a avea o pisica sanatoasa, cu o viata lunga si fericita."

(EN) From an article from CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association):

"They are bred to meet the Persian standard in every way with one very special exception: the coat has a thick, dense, plush, short coat. The Exotic coat is unique to the breed and gives them a soft, rounded, teddy bear look. Their wonderful coat requires much less combing than a Persian’s and will not mat or tangle. Because of the ease of grooming for this special breed, Exotics are sometimes affectionately referred to as the lazy man’s Persian.

What is it like living with an Exotic? Are they like Persians, or do they resemble their shorthaired ancestors? Over the years, as the type and coat have changed, so has the personality of the Exotic. As the Exotic’s line of Persian ancestors became longer and longer, their temperament has become more and more Persian like. Indeed, there is no longer much difference in the temperament of the two breeds. Exotics have a quiet, endearing nature. Their voices are seldom heard.

The Exotic is an ideal breed that produces a quiet, sweet, peaceful and loyal companion. They are easy going and not much seems to disturb them. In general, they are extremely affectionate. They quietly beg for your attention by just sitting in front of you with an irresistible look focused on your eyes. They will jump in your lap to curl up for a nap or push their wet nose right into your face. Some like to sit on your shoulder and hug you when you pet them. They may or may not sleep with you as some prefer cooler places like the bricks on the hearth or the tiled floor. An Exotic is very comfortable to have in your home. They give you privacy and are not constantly demanding attention. They will, They are just as playful and fun loving as other breeds. They will jump until exhausted trying to catch a toy on a stick, or they will sit and carefully study how to get the toy down from the top of the bookcase where it was placed when you stopped playing with them.

When people call for a pet kitten, they almost always ask for a female, thinking that a girl will be sweeter and more loving. Many also believe that males will be more aggressive and prone to spray. However, neither assumption is correct. Male Exotics are, in general, more affectionate than females. Females can be somewhat more aloof. They always seem to have more important things to do than cuddle with their owner. Exotics mature later than most other breeds, and since all pets should be neutered and spayed at an early age, problems related to spraying and other adult urges need never be a concern.

Exotic kittens exhibit the same level of activity as do Persian kittens. Some breeders say that the Exotic kittens do everything first: open their eyes, climb out of the box, start eating, etc. Adult Exotics enjoy simple pleasures, like watching water drip from a faucet or chasing paper balls around the house.

The easy going nature of the Exotic allows it to fit into your home at any age. Exotics stay playful as adults and bring pleasure for many years. All things considered, the Exotic is a wonderful addition to any family. Adorable to look at, peaceful and clean, what more could you ask for the perfect pet. The Exotic is really the “best of two worlds.”